Pre thanksgiving update

Hey all,

not a *ton* of progress these past few days, which is not to say that I haven't been working. Spent a lot of time on the colony room detection code (which was already working before i decided to make it 'better'). anyway now it actually is better and I'm a genius. Only took me too full days. Did some work on how dungeons are generated as well as the loot inside them. did some playing with shaders. we've got leaves that fall from shaken trees now as well as flowing hair in the wind. also in the total absence of wind.

Expect a Steam Page in the next week or two, I just need to dot a few I's and then submit for approval. They say you want a steam page up as early as possible but we'll see how that pans out for me- thus far i get a lot of page visits and a lot of people turning around and leaving. best guess is the art could use a professional touch instead of whatever I'm doing to it. gonna have steampunk minecart type things pretty soon, or maybe a platform you ride like a skateboard or something. or why not both?

other than that all i've done lately is a bunch of boring behind the scenes shit. object pooling for trees and cave walls, bought some dev tools that i probably could have lived without, refactored some code. yada yada.

coming up next- we got alpha mobs and fast travel, more tooltips, poison clouds, giant sentient vines, npc tantrums, and so much more. so stick around. 

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